General information about the test
The human body consists of trillions of cells. Each cell has a nucleus where chromosomes are located. Chromosomes are the most important components of the nucleus because they contain genetic information for the development and function of the organism. Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromosomes (a total of 46 chromosomes). Half of these 46 chromosomes come from the mother, and the other half come from the father.
NIPTiva test provides significantly higher
levels of accuracy and safety
Chromosomes contain our genetic material with all the necessary information for proper development and functioning of the organism. Chromosome pairs from 1 to 22 are called autosomes, and the 23rd pair is known as the sex chromosomes (XX in females and XY in males).
Fast and simple process
The most modern and fastest version that is performed on the illumina platform. This non-invasive prenatal testing is based on DNA analysis from the mother's blood.
Compared to traditional biochemical screening tests, NIPTiva test provides a significantly more thorough approach to analyzing genetic anomalies with an accuracy rate of 99.9%.
What can NIPTiva test reveal?
- · Down syndrome 21
- · Edwards syndrome 18
- · Patau syndrome 13
- · X and Y chromosome aneuploidies
- · Microdeletions and duplications above 7Mb
- · All autosomal trisomies
- · Determination of sex
Who is it recommended for?
Pregnant women who have achieved pregnancy through IVF fertilization
(including egg donation)
(syndromes and others)
Prenatal testing procedure
Blood draw at the selected laboratory. No preparation is required for the test.
Sending the sample to an authorized Illumina laboratory. Analysis of the sample using a more thorough technological approach. Analysis of results takes 5 to 7 working days.
Receiving the results of the NIPTiva test.